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Mon. – Thurs. 9-9 | Fri. 9-6 | Sat. 10-5 | Sun. 1-4

Wood Library introduces new EV charging station

Got an electric vehicle?  Charge up at Wood Library while you participate in a library program or check out materials.

The charging station is located in the northeast corner of the library parking lot.  There are two spaces dedicated for this purpose.  Current user fees are:  $.40/kwh which includes a $.25 charging fee.  All major credit cards are accepted to pay for this service at the station.

This project was funded by Wood Library in response to an incentive offered by NYSERDA to build New York’s infrastructure for publicly accessible EV charging stations and to encourage more New Yorkers to choose electric vehicles.  The installation of an EV charging station on library property is part of Wood Library’s strategic commitment to sustainability.

Here are basic instructions for using the station and Level 2 chargers —

1. Users must download the EV ChargeSmart App on their phone.
2. Load money onto the app with a credit/debit card.
3. Plug charger into vehicle.
4. Scan QR code on station to begin charge.

Contact Executive Director Jenny Goodemote for more information.

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