Monday – Thursday 9-9 | Friday 9-6 | Saturday 10-5 | Sunday 1-4
Mon. – Thurs. 9-9 | Fri. 9-6 | Sat. 10-5 | Sun. 1-4

Wood Library Announces Books Sandwiched In

Canandaigua, NY (January 24, 2022)—Wood Library’s annual lunch-time book talk series kicks off on Monday, February 7, 2022, with a book review by community member Heather Leonard.  She will discuss The Big Short:  Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis.  The talks are free and will take place at Wood Library, 134 N Main St, Canandaigua, NY, from Noon-1PM.  Masks are required.


Other talks in the series are—


Monday, February 14

Local author and member of CDGA Writer’s Group Laurie Adams reviews Attic Letters: Secrets of Love and War by Laurie Gifford Adams


Monday, February 21

Library Trustee Leslie Mast reviews No One is Talking about This by Patricia Lockwood


Monday, February 28

Director of Ontario County Office for the Aging Irene Coveny reviews Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe by Heather Webber


Monday, March 7

Valerie Knoblauch, President of Finger Lakes Visitor Connections, reviews Lions of 5th Avenue by Fiona Davis


Monday, March 14

Jeanne Crane, local author, will review three books on Ireland, A Sudden Gift of Fate by Mary Pat Hyland, Walking Through the Mist by Sinead Tyrone, and Two Sisters in Ireland by Jeanne Selmer


Monday, March 21

Executive Director of Ontario County Historical Society Cody Grabhorn reviews Never Caught: The Washingtons’ Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway Slave, Ona Judge by Erica Dunbar


Monday, March 28

Sue Raymond and Diane Olivet, ONYA Officers, review Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly


Wood Library is a full-service community library and 501(c)3 charitable organization serving everyone who resides in the Canandaigua City School District.  Its mission is to provide exceptional public library service in a comfortable and safe environment where people can satisfy their curiosity, stimulate their imaginations, and connect to the local community and to the world.


For more information, go to or call 585-394-1381.




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