Monday – Thursday 9-9 | Friday 9-6 | Saturday 10-5 | Sunday 1-4
Mon. – Thurs. 9-9 | Fri. 9-6 | Sat. 10-5 | Sun. 1-4

Reading Garden Construction Update: October 2024

The reading garden construction is well underway.  This month, we can expect these benchmarks to be met.

1.  An exterior door to the garden from the Children’s Room will be installed.

2.  30% of the drainage work is complete.  Drainage for the rain garden is next.

3.  Layout of the sidewalk and bollard lights will begin.  Footers and conduit sleeving for the lights should be completed this month.

4.  The Reading Theater stone is ordered and will be installed upon receipt.

5.  The patio area will be regraded to get ready for the concrete pathways.

6.  The front entry structure will be the first wood element to be installed, followed by the fencing and then the pergola.  Work on the entryway will begin this month.

7.  The contractors hope to pour the concrete sidewalk from the front of the garden (Main St.) up to the edge of the Hamlin Room (where the pergola starts) before the first heavy freeze.

Please be patient as we navigate the construction phase of this much anticipated project!

Direct any questions or concerns to Library Director Jenny Goodemote by calling 585-394-1381 ext 306 or by email at

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