Monday – Thursday 9-9 | Friday 9-6 | Saturday 10-5 | Sunday 1-4
Mon. – Thurs. 9-9 | Fri. 9-6 | Sat. 10-5 | Sun. 1-4

Fine Free Frequently Asked Questions

Wood Library supports access and equity.  Eliminating overdue fines for certain materials means more people in our community have greater access to the Library’s vital materials, resources, and services.

How Will This Work?

Wood Library will eliminate late fines on books and media as of November 15, 2021.

Which fines are eliminated?

Beginning November 15, no late fines will be charged for all books, magazines, audiobooks, DVDs, Playaways, video games, and music CDs checked out at Wood Library. Any existing late fines incurred prior to November 15 will be waived. When visiting other libraries in the OWWL system, please check their policy as it may be different.  Wood Library still charges fees for lost, unreturned, and damaged items, replacement library cards, and no shows for hold pickups.

What about other library materials?

Wood Library still charges late fines for special collections including: museum passes, wifi hotspots, outdoor game kits, fishing poles, wellness kits, and outdoor adventure backpacks. 

Will there still be due dates?

Yes, the library still has a set time limit for materials to be borrowed and we expect items to be returned on time.  Be respectful of your fellow library users who may be waiting for items to be returned.  Return materials when they are due so that everyone has equal access to our collections.

Research shows that fines are not effective in ensuring book returns—our patrons are quite reliable and responsible, clearly respecting our collections and the need for them to be available for others to borrow.

What happens when items are not returned?

After 8 weeks, patrons will get billed for the replacement cost of the item if not returned to the library.

Are there any restrictions on borrowing if items are overdue?

Yes. If you have 5 items or more checked out past their due date, you will not be able to borrow until the items are returned.

How can I support Wood Library?

Wood Library relies on community support to ensure that everyone has completely open access to our materials and resources. Your donation to the Annual Fund Drive is the perfect way to support the library.