Monday – Thursday 9-9 | Friday 9-6 | Saturday 10-5 | Sunday 1-4
Mon. – Thurs. 9-9 | Fri. 9-6 | Sat. 10-5 | Sun. 1-4

Donors step-up to support virtual programs

Thank you to everyone who donated on Library Giving Day (April 7) and participated in our Envelope Fundraiser during the month of April.  A total of 83 gifts were made totaling $8,696.  These donations will support Wood Library’s virtual programs through 2021, providing uplifting and helpful content to people of all ages.  Our virtual programs can be viewed from the library’s social media platforms on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube and are available whenever it’s convenient.


Kathleen Affleck

Jennifer Allen


Christine Barr

Michael Bay-Borelli

Dana and Susan Besaw

Donna Billings

Joseph and Theresa Bucci

Maria Bucci

Stephanie Bull

Lori Bush

Carol Cimino

Evelyn Cooley

Robert and Dawn Cowdery

Marilyn Cushman

Doug and Martha Daniels

Ruth DeBrock

Deborah DePauw

Ann Dewhirst

David and Sally Dietz

Michelle Ellwood

Sharon Erb

John and Jody Farnsworth

Kim and Mary Ferris

Hanna Frisbie

Mike and Pam Furlong

Steven and Jenny Goodemote

Jennifer Greer

William and Margaret Greer

Peter and Deborah Gregory

Sarah Hamlin

Katie Harmon

Susan Hartwell

Mary Lou Havens

Bob and Janet Hilliard

Carly Hilts

Pam Hoyle

David and Deborah Hughston

Jim Irwin and Wendy Stoddard

Barry and Linda Jones

Kimberly Kane

Liam and Carrie Kennedy

Mary Krause

Bohdan and Virginia Lalka

Joseph Laskowski

James Lynch

Wendy Mantione

Samantha Maslanik

Leslie Mast

Sandy McGovern

Peter and Karen Mount

Phil and Kathi Nevin

Lynn Paulson

Lloyd Peterson and Marguerite Fontaine

Elizabeth L Phillips

David Plante

Chuck and Marty Potter

Karen Quinn

Richard and Laurie Riedman

Lee Robertson

Ron Russ

Laura Russell Ricci

Eleanor Schreiber

Owen Schubert

Wyatt Schubert

Kevin and Deborah Skivington

Tam Spitzer

Andrew Thomas

Howard VanBuren

Erin VanDamme

John and Catherine VanVechten

Pamela Vincent

Erin Vorhis

Allan Walker

Jill Werth and Chris Schubert

Judith Williams

David and Suzanne Winslow

The Zanghi Family

















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