February 5 is Library Advocacy Day across New York State. As the governor and legislature debate the state budget, library funding is on the table. Please contact your state legislators and let them know how much you value Wood Library and the state aid that supports our work. Senator Pam Helming, 315-568-9816, helming@nysenate.gov and Assemblyman Jeff Gallahan, 315-781-2030, gallahanj@nyassembly.gov. Ready to mail postcards are also available in the library lobby.
Sign on to this letter to encourage the legislature to include increases in library aid and library construction aid in the state budget, https://oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/messages/edit?promo_id=23437.
On February 10 we will be celebrating Love Your Library Day! Stop by the lobby to enjoy cookies and coffee sponsored by The Friends of Wood Library.