
Our Services

Wood Library offers educational and social programs for adults of all ages and reading levels through a variety of materials, services, and programs. Programs offered include book discussion groups, author visits, film screenings, crafts, clubs and workshops, lectures on current events, and much more.

Wood Library is also active within the Canandaigua community and is always happy to make new connections. If you would like to suggest a new idea or partnership, send us an email or call us today!

Genealogy Club
Tuesday, June 18| 4:00—6:00 PM  ( Search birth certificates and death certificates )
Tuesday, August 13| 4:00—6:00 PM (Explore your own search questions )

Are you just starting your family tree or have you run into a brick wall tracing a distant ancestor? In this genealogy group you will learn how to conduct a basic search and use other helpful tools to find relatives. All levels of experience are welcome! Bring  your own basic search questions.  

Intro to Computer Security
Monday, July 8 | 2:00—4:00 PM
Keep your computer secure and out of trouble. Learn what to watch for on the Internet, including passwords, updates and viruses, and how to protect and backup your data.

Streaming Services 
Thursday, July 11 | 2:00—4:00 PM
Find out what streaming is, how it works, and what technology you will need to “cut the cable cord.” We will also look at some of the most popular streaming services on the market right now (Roku, Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, etc.), and their costs.