Seed Library @ Wood Library

BORROW-PLANT-GROW-SAVE-RETURN Grow your own food and plants, take up gardening as a hobby, and learn about saving and sharing seeds! How it works: BORROW- Free seeds available to anyone. Seeds are donated by community members, local businesses, and seed companies. PLANT- Sow your seeds. GROW- Enjoy your veggies, herbs and/or flowers all season. SAVE- Gather seeds from your mature plants. RETURN- Drop […]
Attention Artists and Crafters: Join us for our first craft fair on Saturday, May 17!

Apply to be part of our craft fair benefitting the new John Michalko Scholarship for Volunteerism at Wood Library. The scholarship will be awarded to a Canandaigua Academy senior who has completed 30 hours of community service at Wood Library during their high school career. Apply at Applications due by Friday, March 21. Contact […]