Monday – Thursday 9-9 | Friday 9-6 | Saturday 10-5 | Sunday 1-4
Mon. – Thurs. 9-9 | Fri. 9-6 | Sat. 10-5 | Sun. 1-4

Job Readiness and Digital Equity Services at Wood Library

Laptops and hotspots are now available for loan as part of a new job readiness program series. With funding from ONYA (Ontario Yates Fund for Women and Girls), Wood Library is partnering with Workforce Development to teach job readiness skills, provide access to digital tools like Ontario County’s SkillUP Matrix Learning Program, and offer support to adult women who are unemployed or underemployed.

A limited supply of laptops and hotspots are available.  Workshops will focus on resume writing, effective communication and interviewing skills, computer software like MS Word and Google Docs, and job searching.  Please read below about how to reserve a laptop kit, and register for the Job Readiness Series.

To sign up for classes

Additional guidelines for equipment loan

The Library reserves the right to:

The Policy is attached below.

 Wood Library Computer Lending Agreement for Patrons

Submit your Pre/Post Survey Below!